Yoga: Flexibility, Strength and Mobility


Coach Bry’Anne shares some thought on strength, control and grace in this short instructional video. Be sure to tune-in to her live-stream Yoga Vinyasa classes every Wednesday at 6:15 PM (Arizona time) on Coach Decker’s Facebook Fan Page and on Coach Bry’Anne’s Instagram @stm_yoga Three components of a movement based yoga practice are our capacity for strength, flexibility, and mobility. The study of the human body is constantly in flux meaning definitions and interpretations vary depending on who you talk to and the lens you look through. But, for our purposes, here is a basic breakdown of each. Flexibility has the heaviest association with yoga practice and may be active, meaning a stretch in a range where we have some control and ability to move, or passive. Strength is our capacity to load. This is what we associate with calisthenics or weight training and can be accomplished in yoga through isometric holds when we remain in postures for an extended amount of time. Mobility is where the two intersect, moving dynamically by transitioning in and out of postures in an intentional, controlled way through the support of our muscles. While yoga is not a one stop flexibility, strength or mobility program, every time we come to our mat we have the opportunity to explore and express these things in our practice.

Yoga – Surya Namaskar A (variations)


A quintessential part of a postural based yoga practice is the Salute to the Sun, Surya Namaskar. The sequence links together a series of poses by means of the breath. Depending on lineage and tradition, they vary slightly, however this version is pretty straightforward and a good option for beginners. One of the greatest things about movement is that there are ways to regress and progress the flow to make it suit you, so try out the various methods and see what serves you best.

The sequence consists of the following poses:

  • Tadasana(mountain pose)
  • Urdhva Hatsasana(mountain pose with arms extended up)
  • Uttanasana(forward fold)
  • Ardha Uttanasana(half lift)
  • Phalakasana (plank)
  • Chaturanga Dandasana (four limbed staff/low push up)
  • Urdvha Mukha Svanasana (upward facing dog)
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward facing dog)

From down dog, step or jump forward to a forward fold and complete the cycle by rising up to standing.

Try it out and let us know which version works best for you. If you’re outside of Arizona, we’d still love to hear from you. Regardless, please subscribe to our YouTube Channel, and follow us on social media:

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