It’s OK To Be A Beginner

It’s OK to be a beginner. I've had to remind myself of this every time I try something new, because I’m just so darn competitive. I hate losing. I hate feeling weak. And, if I’m being honest...I hate not being good at something right from the beginning. I know that sounds ridiculous and probably a ...

By |2022-01-05T05:07:29-07:00June 14, 2017|Work(out)-life balance|

The Fitbit – Your Personal Fitness Manager 24/7

I am so happy I wrote this article on the Fitbit.  I knew this little device had many fun and fantastic features to keep people healthy, but I didn’t realize just how true this was until I did more research.  Over the years, I have had many friends who would tell me they were buying ...

By |2017-06-07T01:01:07-07:00June 7, 2017|Work(out)-life balance|

I Don’t Feel Like Working Out Today

If you sometimes struggle with working out consistently, here are three tips that have helped me in the past and still help me to this day. Tip #1: Plan Out Your Workouts For The Week - This has helped me tremendously! If I look ahead to the next week on my calendar and plan out which days I’m going to workout/go to the gym then I know that those are the days that I have to go.

By |2022-01-05T03:59:40-07:00April 12, 2017|Work(out)-life balance|
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