Want to have a fun workout program this summer w/out the need to go the gym? Join Coach Decker for his 6-Week Fighting Fit Prep Program to achieve a solid fitness foundation and build confidence along the way.
With these exciting and enjoyable workouts, you’ll be jump roping, shadow boxing, and bodyweight training. With jump roping alone, it is estimated that you can burn between 600-1000 calories per hour.
No worries if you have never done these types of workouts before! This program begins with less reps and timeframes and will gradually increases each week. You will find with each new workout that you will be able to do additional reps and work out longer. Exercising in this manner helps you to start strong and builds self-confidence.
Okay- so you might be wondering, how does this work?
Every week you will get an email with the workout and links to the video(s). The videos will cover kickboxing basics, posture, movement, etc.-the techniques you will need to complete each workout. Each video will be approximately 4 minutes or less and will also be accompanied by the weekly workouts. These workouts are a combination of Jump roping, body weight, running and/or Yoga
Now, these workouts won’t happen on their own. Once you sign up, you need to be committed to staying on track. We recommend carving out at least one hour of your day- 6 days a week. If this is a stretch for you, then worst case scenario you should set aside at least thirty minutes. For week 1- you will only need 15 minutes a day. But remember- as the weeks progress you will need more time to do your workout. You deserve this time for yourself- and to stay healthy and fit for your family. If you have kids, you can set a great example and even get them involved! Stop making excuses and letting other priorities get in the way. Now is the time for you to make your health a priority; you will reap huge benefits from doing so.
So what are you waiting for? Sign up now to begin your Summer Fitness with our prep program!